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Our School

About Rosa Taylor Elementary

Rosa Taylor Elementary was established in Macon, Georgia in 1958. It was named after long time educator, Miss Rosa Taylor. Rosa Taylor Elementary has been instrumental in educating the students and future citizens of Bibb County. In 2004, Rosa Taylor was combined with T.D. Tinsley Elementary, a neighboring elementary school, and a new, updated Rosa Taylor was built on the existing site. In 2018, we celebrated our 60th anniversary. You can read more about the history of our school and watch a video from the ceremony by clicking HERE.
Today, Rosa Taylor Elementary serves over 600 students, and it is a great place to learn for all! Rosa Taylor serves students from across the district that have special learning needs and students that are deaf or hard of hearing; in addition, Taylor serves as a hub of learning for many students and families in the Central Georgia area. We are a Leader In Me School, and we practice living Stephen Covey's 7 habits in our school lives and personal lives. Rosa Taylor is also a PBIS,  which stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, school. As a school, we work hard to create a positive, inclusive learning environment that encourages student learning and exceeding expectations!  
To learn more about the administration, faculty and staff of Rosa Taylor, please click on the menu to the left. 